Yarnupings February 2019
Get your copy of the latest AHO Newsletter, Yarnupings, here. As usual there are quizzes, reflections, news, reviews, thoughts and upcoming events. We hope you’ll find something there of interest.
Yarnupings December 2017
The AHO’s Newsletter is out, the December Christmas issue of AHO Yarnupings. Like a seedling, it popped it’s small head out of the soil some months ago and waited for the spring rain. And waited. And waited! When the rain finally came, we thought it would be right to go in September, then November. Well, the extra rain did…
Yarn Up 26th July
The Aboriginal Heritage Office is starting up its Yarn Up program on Wednesday the 26th July 2017. Come and join us. Starting at 6pm there’ll be a bit of grub and a chance to meet and chat with everyone. There will be a short intoduction from the AHO, then join with us for a general discussion about…
Yarnupings June 2017
The AHO’s Newsletter is out, the June Winter issue of AHO Yarnupings. This week is a special one for Indigenous peoples in Australia. May 26th is Sorry Day, May 27th is the 50th anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, and this week (beginning May 22nd 2017) has seen a big meeting of Indigenous leaders from across the continent coming together…
Yarinupings December 2016
Take a look at the latest AHO Newsletter, the December Summer issue of AHO Yarnupings. Quizzes, reflections, news, reviews, thoughts, upcoming events and a celebration of summer and the end to a year that was definitely something to remember.
Yarnupings October 2016
Read the AHO Newsletter, the October Spring issue of AHO Yarnupings. Quizzes, reflections, tips, news, reviews, thoughts, upcoming events and a celebration of spring, the quintessential embodiment of change.
Yarnupings April 2016
Read the April Autumn issue of AHO Yarnupings. There are plenty of quizzes and mind squeezing activities to do, as well as the usual tips, thoughts, upcoming events and a small reflection of 17 years’ work.