Over the last three months the AHO has received over one hundred entries for our Logo Competition. We’ve been blown away by the exceptionally high standard of entries. We were flattered by the number and standard of entries in all three categories.
Judges had a hard time choosing the three winners. When looking at the entries, you really get a good sense of the wide range of meanings that Aboriginal heritage has amongst all our contestants.
It is extremely encouraging to see such a strong engagement with Aboriginal heritage from our communities’ younger generations. With the highest number of entries coming from primary school students across all 8 Council areas, it would seem that the AHO’s education program is striking a chord with our younger generations.
Well, it’s probably time for us to put you out of your misery and announce the winners.
Primary School Category
A big congratulations goes out to year 3 student Olivia Harvey from Pymble Ladies’ College. We were blown away by Olivia’s taste in colours and textures.
Secondary School Category
With a design that shows a unique style of shape and contrast, Chadil Wongtienlai of Ryde Secondary College, took out the High School Category.
Community Category
Congratulations to Anne Smith who is the winner of the Community Category. Her stunning design incorporates the beautiful estuaries and hand stencils common to northern Sydney.
Most of all, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to those who entered and all parents and teachers who helped our contestants to do so. We are looking forward to handing out the awards and prizes over the coming weeks.