What the AHO Offers

The Aboriginal Heritage Office offers a wide range of free services to the community and staff of partner Councils.

Education Centre and Keeping Place

The Aboriginal Heritage Office is located in Freshwater, north of Manly on Sydney’s northern beaches, and the Museum and Keeping Place is open to the public. Anyone is welcome to visit, including small school groups and others. The Museum offers a broad cultural and heritage display.

Open: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9:00am-3:00pm, Entry Free


The AHO provides free presentations, walks, talks and other activities for schools within a partner Council boundary, subject to staff availability. The program is designed to inform students (Year 3 and up) about the Aboriginal history and heritage of their local area and how to view the local landscape from an Indigenous perspective.  Download our Schools Brochure.

Community Walks and Talks

Presentations, talks and guided walks of all kinds are catered for by AHO staff. Whether it is an Aboriginal site tour, a bush tucker walk or a women only event, the AHO can assist. Check the ‘What’s On‘ section to find out what’s coming up near you soon.

Staff Training

Training is provided to Council staff in Aboriginal Sites Awareness. There are specific courses for outdoor staff, planning and assessment staff , volunteer site monitors and others.

Site Protection

The AHO provides assistance to partner Councils and residents in efforts to protect Aboriginal sites in the area. This includes strategic planning issues, DA referrals, and conservation management.

Community Events

The AHO is the venue for weekly drop-in meditation classes by the Manly-Freshwater (formerly Northbridge) Meditation Group, affiliated with Vajrayana Institute, Ashfield, a Buddhist centre in the Tibetan Mahayana tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Contact the AHO for details of the current schedule or check out ‘What’s On‘ for upcoming events.

Play our video to find out more about AHO services