Mini Documentary Competition

The Aboriginal Heritage Office (AHO) is inviting students and residents from across Northern Sydney to create a 2-3 minute documentary.

The documentary should be on one of the following topics: Aboriginal history, heritage, sites or culture. The AHO is looking for a creative work that brings to life the Aboriginal heritage of the local area.

  • There is one prize of an Apple iPad

The competition is open to students from Year 3 upwards and also residents within Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Manly, North Sydney, Pittwater, City of Ryde, Warringah and Willoughby Council areas.

The competition opened on 15 August. Please submit entries to PO BOX 12 North Sydney 2059 with a completed application form before close of the competition at 5pm, Thursday 31st October. Entries will be judged by the Aboriginal Heritage Office Steering Committee and the winners will be announced by the end of November 2013.

Application forms and conditions of entry can be downloaded here or contact the Aboriginal Heritage Office on 9949 9882 or via our contact form for further information.


The Aboriginal Heritage Office is a venture of eight local Councils – Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Manly, North Sydney, Pittwater, City of Ryde, Warringah and Willoughby Councils, working together to protect irreplaceable Aboriginal heritage sites for future generations. The AHO employs Aboriginal staff as well as specialists in Aboriginal heritage, training and education to work with each Council on a range of programs and activities to address site protection and community education.

The AHO and their Keeping Place and Education Centre, 135 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge, provides a resource centre, museum and a friendly place for all to learn more about our local area from an Aboriginal perspective. Most people have little idea of the rich Aboriginal heritage and history of their own suburb. The AHO provides a range of information via their website, brochures and DVDs as well as walks, talks and presentations to help dispel this ignorance of our lands history.

The AHO is an example of a continuing tradition of Indigenous people caring for country, using available technology, resources, knowledge and human interconnections.